Gain integration and control
of your mobile platforms

Enable Zero Trust in your mobile organization

With remote work on the rise, virtually every device is a mobile device. Organizations must take steps to ensure users are equipped with the best protocols to protect sensitive data. IBM Security® MaaS360® with Watson is simplified SaaS Unified Endpoint Management technology that integrates with your existing mobile security and management technologies, helping you to enable zero trust.

Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) helps your company secure and manage a diverse range of devices and applications used by your remote-working colleagues. By deploying IBM Security MaaS360 with Watson, you will secure and manage platforms such as: Apple iOS, MacOS, iPadOS, Google Android and Chrome OS, Microsoft Windows, ruggedized and IoT.

Read the “Device Use Cases Brief” to find out more

You can manage and secure a diverse environment (e.g., iOS, macOS, Android, Windows, Chrome OS), integrate with your current technologies and simplify the end user experience, with IBM Security MaaS360® with Watson editions.

Moreover, take control and enable a zero trust policy with TeamViewer Remote Support for IBM MaaS360 with Watson. You will be able to obtain over-the-air (OTA) device views and perform remote control functions in seconds and manage a large workforce with a small IT team.

Read the IBM Security MaaS360 datasheet
Read the TeamViewer and MaaS360 datasheet

IDC has published “IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Unified Endpoint Management Software 2022 Vendor Assessment”, showing the latest market trends and leaders

An evolution of the Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) and Mobile Device Management (MDM), UEM makes sure organizations:

  • manage a wide range of devices and OS
  • ensures security across their endpoints
  • protects hybrid work models
IBM Security MaaS360® with Watson™ has been named a Leader, being feature-rich and with strong security capabilities”.

Read your complimentary IDC report for details on UEM market

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